Download the first tentative steps towards Online Expert Empire Free

This is the story about my learning, struggles, failures and triumphs as I push to build an online expert after 27 years in financial services industry.

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    Articles Repositories

    Ewen Chia had a long list of internet service providers as an appendix in his book. I quickly learnt about article repositories and aggregators. You can make millions writing articles internet gurus touted.

    The Internet Gurus That I Follow

    Peter Drucker once quipped that the word charlatan was too difficult to pronounce hence someone coined the word guru. In the quest to build my online expert empire, I’ve met, befriended, and bought products from so many internet gurus I’ve lost count.

    My First Coach Enroute

    Dean Hunt was my first online coach. As usual, I met Dean accidentally while net surfing. Originally from England, he’d immigrated to the US and was living in California then. It was easy for us to communicate because of his English accent.